Friday, August 21, 2009

OH my frickin' gosh!!!

Remember how I said the rain let up? Yea. And now guess what??? The ground outside is STEAMING. I guess because its so hot out that the water is evaporating at like 10x the normal speed. Its SO weird. I might post a pic later.


Now its sunny agaaaaaaaaaaaaain! What the heck was that about??? Lame-o 5 minute 30 second storms, you suck.


Its possible that I should post more, huh?

I guess once every 2-3 weeks isn't enough for ya! And I'm aware I haven't posted about music yet. Nothing interesting has come to my attention.

I guess I should just post multiple times a day when I get bored enough to. So I get kinda caught up. Lilly's on like her 260th post, Maddy's on 300 or 400 something. I'm on my 70th. Be impressed, be very impressed.


It Might Thunderstorm

I have to go to a Co-op party thing. Its supposed to be a water party. It was really sunny earlier, but now dark clouds loom and the wind is picking up -yay! I love love love thunderstorms! And I'll be stuck inside with some friends. Who better freakin' come.

I hope IT *POURS*!!

Tay tay

(also I know I'm posting to no one, because no one reads this. I don't caaaaaaaaaare!)

EDIT: Its pouring now!!!!!! Go the atmosphere!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Hi I'm back!

You've all probably given up on my posting. So sorry. Busy July. First we went to PA for a week. Then we came home and I was grounded for 3 days and then too busy trying to hang with friends the rest of the week to post. Then we left again to PA for another week. Then we came home but I was grounded for a week. So now here I am. I've officially been ungrounded for 4 days! Yay!! Today was boring. Yesterday I mowed the lawn. Wow, my life is eventful. I do have a sleepover tomorrow YAY. And hopefully I get to go out with some friends beforehand. Ugh, I hope this all works out.

On another note, today I was noticing pictures of Amy Lee (Evanescence for those of you who live in a hole) in a corset. My corset is getting kinda weak, as far as the boning goes. So I think I shall make one! Here are some ideas for corsets and a pic of Amy Lee in one:

A Victorian corset

A Renaissance corset

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Today I'mmmmm...

Watching Evan so mom can clean the garage. Joy. He is cute though. And he behaves pretty well...

And I had ice cream after lunch!! Well, frozen yogurt..hooray for only 3 grams of fat!!

Aaaaaaannnnndddd people get back from the D.R. FINALLY today! Whoo!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I *can* cook! Really, I, I can!


To prove that these cookies (above left) are really just a fluke (a bad, fishy, weird tasting fluke) and that I really can cook, here are some pictures of food I've made.

I knew mom had some bizarre reason for taking all these pictures.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Okay, I lied

I said I would do a cover yesterday. I was going to do "Heaven's a Lie" but I couldn't find background music. So I'm doing "Enjoy the Silence"..Lacuna Coil's version...Without background music (A Cappella) probably because I can't find it for any of the Lacuna Coil songs...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Billy Mays died?!?

So, its all over the internet, Billy Mays died today. I looked it up and its apparently not a rumor. He was found dead in his Tampa home by his wife and pronounced dead at 7:45 AM. So now there won't be any more Michael Jackson jokes, or Billy Mays jokes. Mark and Asa go to the D.R. and everyone dies! They need to come back before all the celebrities die. Nooooot that I care all that much, but they are still people. And with Billy and Michael gone, who am I to make fun of??...Well, I guess there's always Britney Spears and Miley Cyrus...for now at least.

Must. Do. Cover.

I need to do another one. Today!!!!! I promise I will..see, now that I posted it here I can't blow it off!! It will either be "Heaven's a Lie" "I'm So Sick" or something Evanescence.

My first post on the new layout.

It has to be about Michael Jackson. I cannot believe he died. He was a great artist. I'm not a fan of his music, but I can't deny his brilliancy. He was only 50, which is so sad. What is the world without Michael Jackson, and Michael Jackson jokes? I will admit to engaging in Michael Jackson jokes. But I do still respect the guy, and I still have Thriller in my head.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

There are going to be some major changes around here.

Well, since my Alice in Wonderland obsession has died down, and I find myself rolling my eyes at my blog's title...and some of its early content too, I decided to change the title, and what its about. I've always been a music nerd, so I'm going to start posting about my faves alot...whats up with the bands, news, tours, etc. And of course, I'll still post about my life. *groans from invisible people* So yea...
Until I think of a good blog title,

Alexa's Birthday Party!!

Its today! As I said, its going to be a birthday carnival. My mom plans really cool kids parties..I would have loved a party like this when I was turning 7. I would say more, but I don't want to spoil it for her, as she'll probably want to blog about it herself. So, we have alot to do this morning. Grace actually got double-booked so she's not helping, but Lilly and Maddy still are. It should be really fun! I get to face paint, so I'm really happy.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


I came home from the pool yesterday and my mom goes "You look Sunkist" I was like...?? But then I realized she said "Sunkissed"...meaning my nose and cheeks were slightly burned...oh well...I went again to the pool today, with Lauren, as I said... I wore sunscreen on my face this time. I don't want to have a red nose!

So yea, not too much else going on..just had cake for Alexa's birthday. Happy B-day, Alexa!!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Finally, I shall post something a little longer..

I was at the pool today with my friends Audrey and Caroline...I met them through ppt. Anyhow, we went to the pooooooooool!!!! I'm so happeh! I need a tan sooo bad (this is present tense because even though I got tan-er, I'm not up to par yet =( ) And I'm going tomorrow with Lauren..not ppt Lauren, another Lauren...but anyhow, I'm excited. And we're going to cover 3DG's "Time of Dying"...aaaaaaaand "Heaven is a Place on Earth"...Belinda the 80's...not SO thrilled about that..ehhh. So, yea....I'm realizing this blog is becoming more about my life than about AiW or anything I apologize...but deal, because I feel like talking about more un-related-to-what-this-blogs-about-stuff. I'm going to make Alexa a birthday cake tonight... her birthday's tomorrow... We're going to see Tale Of Desparaux...its the free movie at the local Regal Cinemas. Then we're going out to lunch...*thinks* I hope they have healthy stuff...yea... I've been super obsessed about it lately..anyhoo... After lunch is when I go to Lauren's and then I come back for Alexa's birthday dinner. And the next day is gonna be soooo busy with birthday prep. And then Friday is Alexa's birthday party...its a carnival theme, it will be epic.. Me, Lilly, Maddy, and Grace are going to be "Carnival Workers" and we get red visors...we'll look so hot anyhow, busy week, wheeee!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009


Was just plain awesome!!!! nothing else needs to be said.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Wow...i've totally creeped myself out again...

I just realized that the goth guy in this post:
looks alot like Kurt..yes, I refer to Kurt Cobain on a first-name basis. Chill. Anyhoo..yea..well, he looks like a cleaned up, un-grunged (no, not a word) Kurt...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

First post in FOREVAR

Yep yep...i got grounded for a month and couldnt post...then i got grounded from compy and not iPod, so i found an iPod blogger app and here I am, hooray! Nothing super duper interesting has been going on...I'm posting a new youtube video or two sometime today...u'll just have to wait and see what songs....


Friday, April 24, 2009

My 3rd post today!!

The weather is supposed to be amazing this weekend.. Its already like 79 degrees out, I'm excited!! Summer's on its way, woot! I looooove summer so much! Hopefully this summer will be esp. awesome...Oh, and something cool for those bored people out there,

Drawings and misc... a Manga Ninja, dyeing rose, little chinese girl, ninja chick, girl and guy hugging, girl singer, my guitar, and a victorian chick

Stuff I Made at Christmastime

Cinderella scarf I made for a cousin...I hadn't added Cinderella yet lol.

Beadweaving type bracelet I made for a realative.

Chessie Scarf, which I loooove. There's a hat too, but I hadn't made it yet...


Today we might go see the bluebells...the ones Lilleh and Black and Red go see every year. I don't really care either way. I'm just in that kind of mood. AND I will post the stuff I made at Chrismastime and maybe some drawings or something in the next post....woo.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The video.

I am sick of stupid random CRAP...

I really don't need to deal with all this stuff. Don't ask what, its alot of stuff, and I may bite your head off. Its nothing super gigantic, so I'll be fine, lalala. So here's a youtube video of me. If you don't like it, then don't comment... Or at *least* give contructive criticism. If you just want to bash me like the majority, you can take your fricking computer mouse and shove it up your a**.


I'm so sick of Twilight and it's fangirls!!!! Hate me, go ahead, I don't care.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Watch. Greatness. Now.

This is my friend!! Yes, in real life. Listen, and worship, (as he would want it!).

Don't you just want to hug him?? Forget I said that, actually.
Now, quick, sign him and his band to your record label! Off with you!


All By My Self

Is what I am. I feel alone right now. There are people around my house, but no one I can really talk to. For some reason I'm all depressed and sad and lonely today. The internet is deserted, and I don't want to accidently bug someone by calling them. 'Sides, theatre friends have theatre shows, HFA friends have some party thing, and I have no clue what homeschool friends are doing.... okay, I'm going to stop whining. Because you have listened to me whine and put up with my minor bipolar-ness, check the post above. Actually, you probably saw it already. Oh, I'm just going to shut up now.

Emo Boys 2


(For Lilly)

Friday, March 13, 2009

Emo Boys

Are attractive. Yes Michael, I absorbed the information. I don't care, they're still attractive. For Lilly I will post a pic or two later, possibly.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Today's my birthday!!!!!!!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Grandma Freakin' Rocks!!!

Seriously, she's amazingness!! For my birthday I wanted an Ipod Nano, right? Well, I reaaally wanted an Ipod Touch, but I really didn't think I'd get one. So, I settled to save up for a Nano. Guess what came in the mail today from my Grandma Jo!?!?! An Ipod Touch!!! And two cases, and crazy socks (WOOT!)!!! I'm installing Itunes now, yay!! Its SOOO cool! I didn't know about them until my boy cousins (14?) and (20?) got them for Christmas from my aunt. I had an MP3 player until 2 weeks ago ish...then it broke. So, perfect timing!!! Oh, I gotta go, Itunes is finished downloading!


Friday, March 6, 2009

Wish List and Lilly's here!!!

So, Lilly came over today Sorta like babysitting, but neway, YAY! So yea. And because I have nothing better to post about and cause my b-day's so close, I will write a wishlist yay!

Taylor's Wishlist:
Ipod nano
Itunes giftcards
Hot Topic giftcards
Anything from Hot Topic, ya'll know
Giftcards for: Target, Starbucks, Wet Seal, Manassas Mall...oooh, maybe Forever 21...
Nightmare Revisited (posted about this, too lazy to link..oh wait, its the one right below this...)
C-D's..Any band on my playlist...
Drums and Microphone for GHWorld Tour

There's more that I can't think of/ wouldn't ever get... I'm not trying to be me,me,me...I'm just bored... so, just so ya'll know, I know I'm not getting 95% of this crap/awesomeness...


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nightmare Revisited

I want this C-D so bad!!!

Its all of the Nightmare Before Christmas songs done by awesome artist such as Flyleaf, The All American Rejects, and Amy Lee!! wheee! I want to put all the songs on my Ipod, when I finally save up enough/get one for my b-day!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Holy WOW...

This is possibly one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen...ever. And he's goth!! But why is he letting that chick hug on him? She's like, on a whole different scale!! I could NOT stop staring, I swear this has never happened before...okay, once. Wow. I might even call him hot. Okay, I lied. I do.


Is possibly my new favorite movie. Its AHMAZING. Its in Real-D, which is basically 3-D but probably with some minor differences. Its really high def and you feel like you are in the movie. In it, not watching it grab at you in the theatre. In it. Plus the plot is so full of creepy amazingness! The whole button eyes things is just...perfect. All of the characters work together. I'm not a big fan of Dakota Fanning (she voiced Coraline) but she does well here. The whole movie is bizzare and amazing. I won't talk too much about it until its out of theatres. But seriously. GO SEE IT..NOW!! Or as soon as possible!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ohhhh dear.

My sister threw up. We were supposed to leave for PA tommorrow for my cousins baptism. But now unless it was a 24 hour thing or food poisoning, we can't go. I wasn't SUPER enthusiastic about the trip, but I still want to go I suppose. Plus I do not want to get sick... Prayers appreciated!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dude, Yayness!

blink-182 is back together!!! They're working on a new album. Green Day is also releasing a new album, WOOT. I did already know all of this, I just forgot to post it.... so much for current events. ALSO I may join a swim team. Any reccomendations for people like me, who haven't done this in a loooong time?

Audition results + car repairs suck

Okay, so first of all, I did not get into Robin Hood, which, if you didn't know, I auditioned for. Why? I do suffer from a major lack of talent, but I'm not make-you-cringe awful. Not many people even auditioned though, and I had a good chance, or so I thought. Because this particular director is biased toward certain people, I didn't get in. He looks like he's having a wonderful time at auditions, but then BOOM! its a no. Also, he says he's going to call you at during the day. 7:45 PM IS NOT DURING THE DAY, MR. DIRECTOR. Because of his immature indecision, some people didn't get called till even later than that. Most of this theatre is based on politics. No one wants to believe it, but it is. I don't even care that much that I didn't make it in, but some people do. I cannot STAND people who play favorites and say that they have talent, blah blah blah. Okay, done ranting.

Car repairs SUCK. And, just for Michael, who never even reads this blog,

Positive thought:
Robin Hood is prolly gonna be pretty horrible.
Because of the car repairs I got to get stuff for my birthday party, PLUS a princess coloring book- YAYYYYYY!!! (I'm 3 years old!!!!)


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Anti-Valentine's day!!

Okay, so I know Anti V-day was yesterday, Friday the 13th (wooot) of February. I am indeed late. But oh well. On Anti-V-day, I did some sewing of my dress (for a dance, I'm getting to that) and of my friends that I am altering. I facebooked, and then went shopping at the local mall. For dress shoes. First, we tried Deb, which produced looks of "eeew, slutty" from both me, and my mother. Then we checked Payless. Apparently all the heels were "too high". So, we then headed to Hot Topic, we being me, my mother, my 6 year old sister and my 2 year old brother. I just went in myself, to check out the shoes. They had some that I would wear. I then proceeded by dragging the gang, stroller and all, into the recesses of the incense smelling, cave-looking, hells souvenir shop, as my mother puts it, screamo blaring all the while. Hell, I love that place. But anyway, the gang followed me to the back of the store, my mother trying to edge my sister away from the lingerie, which I'm sure was fascinating. I then pointed out two or three pairs of shoes I liked, my mom pronounced they're heels too high, and I gravitated toward a pair of flats with studs and a skull pattern. Unfortunatly they were not my size. I then continued to look around to see if I could find anything else. My mother and brother and sister headed toward the back wall. If you've ever been in a Hot Topic, you know that they reserve the back wall for the most eccentric and/or horrific of merchandise, usually. This particular Hot Topic had horror action figures, such as Jason, complete with mask and bloody machete, or Freddy Kruger and his hideous face. Needless to say,after observing the back wall and all of its wonders, the six year old decided she wanted to leave, so the gang headed out. I scanned the store a last time, and, realizing that my mother would probably not let me wear any of their shoes, I trudged out after them. We then walked to Target, where only half of the heels were too high, and I got a clutch bag that matches my dress and a pair of black peep toe pumps, that, after some tweaking, I like very much.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Have any of you ever used SPONGE ROLLERS. Oh hell, those things are EVIL. I have to wear them for Alice so I have curls, RAWR. Okay, done ranting.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thrift Store, woo!

So I'm going to the new HUGE Salvation Army in our area, with my friend Brynn. We're looking for dresses and stuff to alter, which will be a blast! I <3 thrift stores, the rock. End of story!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

so there.

The end!

My third, most random post of the day!


Because that is important information!!

Alice in Wonderland!

Okay, so the musical's almost done, actually. One more show, then closing night. It ran last weekend and this weekend. This weekend 7:30 pm Saturday, 4:00 pm Sunday. Email me for location, my dears. I don't want Alice to end. Auditions for Robin Hood are late Friday and early Saturday. Augh, I hope I don't get too stressed. Meh. In Alice, I am a cutesy little flower (the cutesiest)!! Go me! Only, I don't like cutesy, obviously. BUT I am happy to just be in the show. Plus, cast parties are AWESOME. The end!

Trying to keep up one posts!

And, failing. At the moment I'm taking a Valentine's day poll. You can comment here or contact me some other way to cast your vote.

Your opinion on Valentine's day?
(a)It sucks, why make single people feel like crap, and dating people feel guilty??
(b)Its not really a holiday.
(c)I love Valentine's day. Yay Valentines!
(d)I don't mind it, as long as we focus on love in general.

Poll ends....Thursday, February 12, 2009.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

I ought to post more.

But I haven't had the time, because its tech week for Alice in Wonderland. But I will try to make up for the days with a few posts which will familiarize you with the inner workings of my mind. *people run away screaming in terror*
First order of business,

Things that annoy me most:

(In no particular order)
David Archuleta
Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus
High School Musical
Britney Spears
Celine Dion
Tucked in Shirts (unless of course you are a boy being forced to wear a suit and tie)
High rise pants, or pants pulled up OVER one's navel (yes, I said navel)
Labels (for people, not on merchandise)
Taking out the Trash (normally not a big ordeal, but when there is two weeks worth, its 10:00 pm, and freezing cold, it sucks)
STAR WARS (I am SO tired of hearing about what Luke or Annikin (however its spelled) did!)
When people yell in an endless drone; instead of "Taylor, dinner!" it becomes TAY-LOOOOOR, DINN-AAAAAAAAR!"
People who go around using words they don't know the meaning of.
People who won't stop hugging you when you don't want to be hugged.
Cheerleaders (although they aren't as bad as they once were)
People who insist on squashing up against you even when there's miles of space, just because they know you're mildly claustrophobic.
People who lecture your endlessly for minor rare screwups, like forgetting jazz shoes.
Little children who tell people to shut up, when they're being really loud themselves, the same type who wail when you are instructed by the director to hit them on the head as part of a scene, because you hit them "too hard".
Teachers who put you in a TIME- OUT, for saying the word HATE, even though you are 8 years old.
This one is the number one pet peeve of mine: Moms who make their boys cut/shave their hair, even though it looks FREAKING adorable the way it is, just because they like it better the other way. C'mon, Lady/Ladies! Its not like he wants to dye it green, dammit!
This concludes my "Things that annoy me most" list. I didn't intend to write this much, but once I started, I couldn't stop.


Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Halloween, Halloween!

For some reason I feel like Halloween I listened to "This is Halloween" from Nightmare Before Christmas, and sang along rather poorly. Sometime I think I should get all my friends together to record our own version of that song (those who like to sing anyway!) I'm also in the middle of sewing a rather battered-looking white rabbit to sell on Etsy. I want an Ipod very much. That was random, but I do! Then I can go to Itunes and I won't have to worry about viruses and they're just nicer.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy 2009!!! (Yes, I am late, as always.)

Augh. Sorry I havn't posted in forever. I have finished all my christmas gifts (good thing too, as its 2009 now). I had a good Christmas. I got Guitar Hero World tour and giftcards and drawing stuff. I've been out of town for a week and I just got back yesterday. It feels good to be home. It was nice to see family, but its also nice to sleep in one's own bed. Plus I missed all my friends! (<3 href=""> ) I will now proceed to post awesome and not so awesome things that happened in 2008!

Teching Peter Pan: Was a good learning experience.

I learned to knit: A valuable and amusing skill!

I got into Alice in Wonderland: Which is awesome and very fun!!

I started hanging out with Mark Dean and Asa Britten more: This is probably detramental to my mental health, but oh well...they can be fun sometimes.

Maddy and Lilly: Bestest Buddies of mine!! Super cool and awesome ppl who I need to hang with more.

Grace: I'm still best friends with her, Even though she can be a meanie : P But don't blame her, she's just naturally horrible (JK) She's fun also.

Lauren, Bri, Brynn, Cici, and Michael: Theatre people who are freaking awesome (and also my bestest buddies) I've been hanging out with them more cause of Alice, which rox. <3 All!

I sorta rediscovered how awesome AiW is: I am now obsessed. KITTY!

My MP3 player: which is a device that keeps me sane..or insane...whatever.

My Socks: which are also awesome. People are drawn to my socks. LOL jk.

I am now following in the footsteps of my slacker anscestors: Oh well.

The End!!!