Monday, January 5, 2009

Happy 2009!!! (Yes, I am late, as always.)

Augh. Sorry I havn't posted in forever. I have finished all my christmas gifts (good thing too, as its 2009 now). I had a good Christmas. I got Guitar Hero World tour and giftcards and drawing stuff. I've been out of town for a week and I just got back yesterday. It feels good to be home. It was nice to see family, but its also nice to sleep in one's own bed. Plus I missed all my friends! (<3 href=""> ) I will now proceed to post awesome and not so awesome things that happened in 2008!

Teching Peter Pan: Was a good learning experience.

I learned to knit: A valuable and amusing skill!

I got into Alice in Wonderland: Which is awesome and very fun!!

I started hanging out with Mark Dean and Asa Britten more: This is probably detramental to my mental health, but oh well...they can be fun sometimes.

Maddy and Lilly: Bestest Buddies of mine!! Super cool and awesome ppl who I need to hang with more.

Grace: I'm still best friends with her, Even though she can be a meanie : P But don't blame her, she's just naturally horrible (JK) She's fun also.

Lauren, Bri, Brynn, Cici, and Michael: Theatre people who are freaking awesome (and also my bestest buddies) I've been hanging out with them more cause of Alice, which rox. <3 All!

I sorta rediscovered how awesome AiW is: I am now obsessed. KITTY!

My MP3 player: which is a device that keeps me sane..or insane...whatever.

My Socks: which are also awesome. People are drawn to my socks. LOL jk.

I am now following in the footsteps of my slacker anscestors: Oh well.

The End!!!


Unknown said...

Haha, nice post!
So much happened in 08 didn't it!


LillianRose said...

HaHa Hanging out with Mark and Asa is prolly bad for everyone. Thanks for what you said about meh! ^.^

08 went by too fast 4 my taste and maddy is right a lot did happen good and bad. My new year post sucks compared to yours and maddy's. lol!


Despair said...

wahoo indeed!