Thursday, January 29, 2009

I ought to post more.

But I haven't had the time, because its tech week for Alice in Wonderland. But I will try to make up for the days with a few posts which will familiarize you with the inner workings of my mind. *people run away screaming in terror*
First order of business,

Things that annoy me most:

(In no particular order)
David Archuleta
Hanna Montana/Miley Cyrus
High School Musical
Britney Spears
Celine Dion
Tucked in Shirts (unless of course you are a boy being forced to wear a suit and tie)
High rise pants, or pants pulled up OVER one's navel (yes, I said navel)
Labels (for people, not on merchandise)
Taking out the Trash (normally not a big ordeal, but when there is two weeks worth, its 10:00 pm, and freezing cold, it sucks)
STAR WARS (I am SO tired of hearing about what Luke or Annikin (however its spelled) did!)
When people yell in an endless drone; instead of "Taylor, dinner!" it becomes TAY-LOOOOOR, DINN-AAAAAAAAR!"
People who go around using words they don't know the meaning of.
People who won't stop hugging you when you don't want to be hugged.
Cheerleaders (although they aren't as bad as they once were)
People who insist on squashing up against you even when there's miles of space, just because they know you're mildly claustrophobic.
People who lecture your endlessly for minor rare screwups, like forgetting jazz shoes.
Little children who tell people to shut up, when they're being really loud themselves, the same type who wail when you are instructed by the director to hit them on the head as part of a scene, because you hit them "too hard".
Teachers who put you in a TIME- OUT, for saying the word HATE, even though you are 8 years old.
This one is the number one pet peeve of mine: Moms who make their boys cut/shave their hair, even though it looks FREAKING adorable the way it is, just because they like it better the other way. C'mon, Lady/Ladies! Its not like he wants to dye it green, dammit!
This concludes my "Things that annoy me most" list. I didn't intend to write this much, but once I started, I couldn't stop.
