Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Nightmare Revisited

I want this C-D so bad!!!

Its all of the Nightmare Before Christmas songs done by awesome artist such as Flyleaf, The All American Rejects, and Amy Lee!! wheee! I want to put all the songs on my Ipod, when I finally save up enough/get one for my b-day!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Holy WOW...

This is possibly one of the most attractive guys I've ever seen...ever. And he's goth!! But why is he letting that chick hug on him? She's like, on a whole different scale!! I could NOT stop staring, I swear this has never happened before...okay, once. Wow. I might even call him hot. Okay, I lied. I do.


Is possibly my new favorite movie. Its AHMAZING. Its in Real-D, which is basically 3-D but probably with some minor differences. Its really high def and you feel like you are in the movie. In it, not watching it grab at you in the theatre. In it. Plus the plot is so full of creepy amazingness! The whole button eyes things is just...perfect. All of the characters work together. I'm not a big fan of Dakota Fanning (she voiced Coraline) but she does well here. The whole movie is bizzare and amazing. I won't talk too much about it until its out of theatres. But seriously. GO SEE IT..NOW!! Or as soon as possible!


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Ohhhh dear.

My sister threw up. We were supposed to leave for PA tommorrow for my cousins baptism. But now unless it was a 24 hour thing or food poisoning, we can't go. I wasn't SUPER enthusiastic about the trip, but I still want to go I suppose. Plus I do not want to get sick... Prayers appreciated!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Dude, Yayness!

blink-182 is back together!!! They're working on a new album. Green Day is also releasing a new album, WOOT. I did already know all of this, I just forgot to post it.... so much for current events. ALSO I may join a swim team. Any reccomendations for people like me, who haven't done this in a loooong time?

Audition results + car repairs suck

Okay, so first of all, I did not get into Robin Hood, which, if you didn't know, I auditioned for. Why? I do suffer from a major lack of talent, but I'm not make-you-cringe awful. Not many people even auditioned though, and I had a good chance, or so I thought. Because this particular director is biased toward certain people, I didn't get in. He looks like he's having a wonderful time at auditions, but then BOOM! its a no. Also, he says he's going to call you at during the day. 7:45 PM IS NOT DURING THE DAY, MR. DIRECTOR. Because of his immature indecision, some people didn't get called till even later than that. Most of this theatre is based on politics. No one wants to believe it, but it is. I don't even care that much that I didn't make it in, but some people do. I cannot STAND people who play favorites and say that they have talent, blah blah blah. Okay, done ranting.

Car repairs SUCK. And, just for Michael, who never even reads this blog,

Positive thought:
Robin Hood is prolly gonna be pretty horrible.
Because of the car repairs I got to get stuff for my birthday party, PLUS a princess coloring book- YAYYYYYY!!! (I'm 3 years old!!!!)


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Anti-Valentine's day!!

Okay, so I know Anti V-day was yesterday, Friday the 13th (wooot) of February. I am indeed late. But oh well. On Anti-V-day, I did some sewing of my dress (for a dance, I'm getting to that) and of my friends that I am altering. I facebooked, and then went shopping at the local mall. For dress shoes. First, we tried Deb, which produced looks of "eeew, slutty" from both me, and my mother. Then we checked Payless. Apparently all the heels were "too high". So, we then headed to Hot Topic, we being me, my mother, my 6 year old sister and my 2 year old brother. I just went in myself, to check out the shoes. They had some that I would wear. I then proceeded by dragging the gang, stroller and all, into the recesses of the incense smelling, cave-looking, hells souvenir shop, as my mother puts it, screamo blaring all the while. Hell, I love that place. But anyway, the gang followed me to the back of the store, my mother trying to edge my sister away from the lingerie, which I'm sure was fascinating. I then pointed out two or three pairs of shoes I liked, my mom pronounced they're heels too high, and I gravitated toward a pair of flats with studs and a skull pattern. Unfortunatly they were not my size. I then continued to look around to see if I could find anything else. My mother and brother and sister headed toward the back wall. If you've ever been in a Hot Topic, you know that they reserve the back wall for the most eccentric and/or horrific of merchandise, usually. This particular Hot Topic had horror action figures, such as Jason, complete with mask and bloody machete, or Freddy Kruger and his hideous face. Needless to say,after observing the back wall and all of its wonders, the six year old decided she wanted to leave, so the gang headed out. I scanned the store a last time, and, realizing that my mother would probably not let me wear any of their shoes, I trudged out after them. We then walked to Target, where only half of the heels were too high, and I got a clutch bag that matches my dress and a pair of black peep toe pumps, that, after some tweaking, I like very much.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Have any of you ever used SPONGE ROLLERS. Oh hell, those things are EVIL. I have to wear them for Alice so I have curls, RAWR. Okay, done ranting.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Thrift Store, woo!

So I'm going to the new HUGE Salvation Army in our area, with my friend Brynn. We're looking for dresses and stuff to alter, which will be a blast! I <3 thrift stores, the rock. End of story!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

so there.

The end!

My third, most random post of the day!


Because that is important information!!

Alice in Wonderland!

Okay, so the musical's almost done, actually. One more show, then closing night. It ran last weekend and this weekend. This weekend 7:30 pm Saturday, 4:00 pm Sunday. Email me for location, my dears. I don't want Alice to end. Auditions for Robin Hood are late Friday and early Saturday. Augh, I hope I don't get too stressed. Meh. In Alice, I am a cutesy little flower (the cutesiest)!! Go me! Only, I don't like cutesy, obviously. BUT I am happy to just be in the show. Plus, cast parties are AWESOME. The end!

Trying to keep up one posts!

And, failing. At the moment I'm taking a Valentine's day poll. You can comment here or contact me some other way to cast your vote.

Your opinion on Valentine's day?
(a)It sucks, why make single people feel like crap, and dating people feel guilty??
(b)Its not really a holiday.
(c)I love Valentine's day. Yay Valentines!
(d)I don't mind it, as long as we focus on love in general.

Poll ends....Thursday, February 12, 2009.