Friday, April 24, 2009

My 3rd post today!!

The weather is supposed to be amazing this weekend.. Its already like 79 degrees out, I'm excited!! Summer's on its way, woot! I looooove summer so much! Hopefully this summer will be esp. awesome...Oh, and something cool for those bored people out there,

Drawings and misc... a Manga Ninja, dyeing rose, little chinese girl, ninja chick, girl and guy hugging, girl singer, my guitar, and a victorian chick

Stuff I Made at Christmastime

Cinderella scarf I made for a cousin...I hadn't added Cinderella yet lol.

Beadweaving type bracelet I made for a realative.

Chessie Scarf, which I loooove. There's a hat too, but I hadn't made it yet...


Today we might go see the bluebells...the ones Lilleh and Black and Red go see every year. I don't really care either way. I'm just in that kind of mood. AND I will post the stuff I made at Chrismastime and maybe some drawings or something in the next post....woo.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The video.

I am sick of stupid random CRAP...

I really don't need to deal with all this stuff. Don't ask what, its alot of stuff, and I may bite your head off. Its nothing super gigantic, so I'll be fine, lalala. So here's a youtube video of me. If you don't like it, then don't comment... Or at *least* give contructive criticism. If you just want to bash me like the majority, you can take your fricking computer mouse and shove it up your a**.


I'm so sick of Twilight and it's fangirls!!!! Hate me, go ahead, I don't care.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Watch. Greatness. Now.

This is my friend!! Yes, in real life. Listen, and worship, (as he would want it!).

Don't you just want to hug him?? Forget I said that, actually.
Now, quick, sign him and his band to your record label! Off with you!


All By My Self

Is what I am. I feel alone right now. There are people around my house, but no one I can really talk to. For some reason I'm all depressed and sad and lonely today. The internet is deserted, and I don't want to accidently bug someone by calling them. 'Sides, theatre friends have theatre shows, HFA friends have some party thing, and I have no clue what homeschool friends are doing.... okay, I'm going to stop whining. Because you have listened to me whine and put up with my minor bipolar-ness, check the post above. Actually, you probably saw it already. Oh, I'm just going to shut up now.

Emo Boys 2


(For Lilly)